Pwy Ydym Ni

RYLabels establish in 2013, We are a high technology enterprises which is focus on R&D and production for special sticker labels and packaging materials. Main products including package materials for steel, chemical, anti-fake, food and drinks industry. Especially we have abundant experience in high/low temperature resistance labels supply, we have our own technology and advanced products and have provided entire professional solution to many clients worldwide. Export Experience Our products registered trade-marks: "RENYI" have already been exported to over 40 countries in Europe, South America, Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia. And the turnover can be 5 million USD […]

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Prif Gynhyrchion

Label papur trosglwyddo thematig

Mae papur trosglwyddo thermol yn bwrpas cyffredinol perfformiad uchel ...

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Label papur thermol uniongyrchol

Mae gan bapur thermol uniongyrchol y gwres arbennig sy'n sensitif ...

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Label ffoil alwminiwm

Mae gan Ffoil Alwminiwm y nodweddion fel a ganlyn: 1 ....

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Label deunyddiau finyl

Rhif Cynnyrch CCVC083 CCV083 CCVSR083 Facestock White Hyblyg ...

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Sticeri Dangosydd Thermol

Y sticeri dangosydd tymheredd, yn weledol i'r tymheredd. cael...

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Labeli hologram Diogelwch VOID

1. Mae gan y label stoc hwn eiddo sy'n ymyrryd ar unwaith sy'n ...

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Labeli hologram 3D

Stereo gofod: Defnyddiwch y dechnoleg arbennig o wneud ...

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Label preifat cadachau gwlyb

Ein dulliau perchnogol o gyfuno gludyddion a ffilmiau ...

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Sut Cysylltwch â Ni

Cynhyrchion Diweddaraf

Label Potel Olew CBD

Rhif 22, 2021

Enw Label Botel Olew CBD, Labeli Olew Cosmetig Maint Custom ...

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Mae taflenni sticeri y gellir eu haddasu yn crafu dalennau sticer dalen sticer finyl hologram

Tua 9, 2021

Gellir defnyddio sticer hologram ar gyfer brand a dogfennau masnachol ...

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Dalen sticer pvc torri dŵr diddos Custom label gludiog argraffu finyl arferiad

Tua 9, 2021

Enw Gwneuthurwr sticer matte argraffu personol cusan torri taflenni arfer ...

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Sticeri argraffu copi finyl personol Sticer logo arfer 3 modfedd

Tua 9, 2021

Enwch sticeri argraffu copi finyl Custom logo arfer 3 modfedd ...

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Sticeri label gwrth-ddŵr label mawr finyl personol sticeri gludiog plaen marw

Faire 28, 2021

Decals wal finyl mawr personol a sticeri finyl mawr ...

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Sticeri trosglwyddo personol poteli ewinedd labelu botel sglein gwefus finyl decal

Faire 28, 2021

Un o'r ffyrdd mwyaf rhad i hysbysebu'ch busnes ...

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Label sticer testun personol sticer persawr arfer label gwydr sticeri arfer

Faire 27, 2021

Gwnewch y labeli arfer gorau yma ar gyfer eich holl labelu ...

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Dalennau sticeri plant siâp personol Sticer wy pasg wedi'i dorri'n farw

Faire 27, 2021

Enw Dalen sticeri plant siâp personol taflenni finyl die cut ...

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